At school we tell the truth.

                        Not as many people who claim to be religious and I even doubt that they are.

Because we are to save the people and not Crush. This school was created with the purpose of teaching

to all those people who their sponsors.

                       They have not been kind enough to I teach it either for any reason.

                       The purpose of our office is to save religions, appreciating.

                       We teach reading and Chamalongos Nkobos.

                        Clean. Protections.


                        Spiritual masses.


                        Orula hand.

                        Stick initiations ceremonies, holy and Ifa,

                        It is given nganga

                       If this fight with your sponsor does not matter.

                        Because learning has no boundary.

                        For more information call the phone Godfather.



       Consejero Espiritual


Botanica y Librería Entuala Kongo.


No me confundan con nadie;


Mi nombre es Domingo  B, Lage.

Escritor del Palo Mayombe y conocido en el mundo entero. Ya mis  obras están en cstorce Idiomas. Se lee el Dilogun, Los Nkobos y los Chamalongos.

Se dan clases Teorias y Practica del Palo Mayombe.

Para mas información llama al teléfono (909) 401-1802